Thursday, February 15, 2007

Im 22 and a vet the game!!!!!!

This is a line from one of my favorite rappers, TI. It fits me just right because I celebrated a birthday on the 13. TI is a down south rapper with lyrics which is rare in these days. To learn more about TI trap here

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Teenagers Blogging

"No one under 18 would be surprised to hear that teenagers like to post their intimate thoughts and photographs online -- they've done it for years. But school administrators have begun to take notice, and some are warning students that their online activities may affect not only their safety, but also their academic and professional lives".
This is what an expert had to say
I agree that teenagers that blogg can affect their saftey by going overboard on their blogs. But blogging is a good source for students to learn more about different things going on with the internet, or simply the world.
For more information about affects of bloggin or what others think click here

Friday, February 9, 2007

Beyonce is bad!!!!

Yeah you must don't know bout me!!! Beyonce is definitely killing the scene. I believe she is the most known woman alive. She is surely truth!!
click here

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Chenson is Blogging!!!!

Okay, it's simple to just post a topic. I've posted a couple of topics just because we are supposed to. At first I didn't pay attention, and I ended up not knowing what was going on. Blogging is so far easy, but I have to be honest; I do not know how to post sites, and pictures so if there is anyone out there who wants to help me please do so. I not hard to help.... I really do need the help!!!
Bloggin for students K-12 I think would be good for their computer skills. It's a good way of comunicating with others and finding other sites dealing with education. I don't see many negative things that could come out of blogging.